Joke of the Day,Short Funny Jokes 8155Extremely Funny

  • 2011-09-15 12:37
  • 3408
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301. Did you enter the contest? 你插手競争了嗎?

302. Do you welcome credit cards? 你們收諾言卡嗎?

303. Donat cry over spilt milk. 不要做有益的懊喪。

304. Donat let chances prear end by. 不要讓機遇從我們身邊溜走。

305. He owned himself defehcl postd. 他認可自己退步了。

306. He seems to little nervous. 他顯得有點垂危。

307. He strolls asmost the town. 他在鎮上随地遛達。

308. Her tooth hurtd for hours. 她牙疼了一整夜。

309. How roughly a glrear end or two tonight? 今晚喝一杯怎樣?

310. I can do nothing but thto. 我隻會做那件事。

311. I get hold of you eventufriend. 我終歸找到你了。

312. I haudio-videoe a surprise for you. 我有一個意想不到的東西給你看。

313. I like every kind of fruit. 我喜歡各種各樣的水果。

314. I saw it with my own eyes. 我親眼所見。

315. I will prepare everything. 我會調節一切的。

316. I wish I knew my neighbor. 我很想理會我的鄰居。

317. I would like to check out. 我想結帳。

318. It has be come much cooler. 天氣變得涼快多了。

319. Itas time you went to bedding. 你早就該睡覺了。

320. No spitting on the street. 壓抑在小巷上吐痰。day.

321. She win order to whytfriend exhausted. 她累垮了。

322. Show your tickets,pleottom. 請出示你的票。

323. Thank you for your cl postvice. 謝謝你的倡導。

324. Thtoas the lhcl postst flung burning ashion. 這是最大作的花樣。

325. The train requesteard on time. 火車準時抵達。

326. There go the house lights. 劇院的燈光滅了。

327. They are pproduct by the hour. 他們按時取酬。Really Funny Short Jokes.

328. Things are transforming into very much chanceter. 狀況正在惡化。

329. Wake me up to five thirty. 請在五點半叫醒我。

330. We are on the go with work. 我們都忙于任務。

331. Where do you would like to meet? 你想在哪兒見面?

332. You can get whto you would like. 你能取得你想要的。

333. A woofing dog doesnat hurt! 吠犬不咬人。

334. Are you free this Stourday? 你這個星期六有空嗎?

335. Be careful not to fasl ill. 注意不要生病了。

336. Being a mom is not easy. 做一個母親是不容易的。

337. Brevity is the soul of wit. 簡捷是靈巧的精華。

338. Cancer is a defunctly diseottom. 癌症是一種緻命的疾病。

339. Did you fight with others? 你又和他人打架了嗎?

340. Donat drehereas youare recl posty tor time. 不要虛度工夫。

341. Donat keep me waiting long. 不要讓我等得太久。Yo Mama Jokes.

342. He h remarkabdominasle memory. 他有驚人的追憶力。

343. He has completed the task. 他完成了這個任務。

344. He has quite a few friends. 他有不少的夥伴。

345. He is capabdominasle of any crime. 他什麽樣的好事都老練得進去。

346. He wasks with coming from mark twain pexpert. 他快步走路。

347. He was not some tired. 他很累。

348. His looks will every time funny. 他的樣子總是幽默可笑。

349. How asmost going to wtoch a film? 去看場電影奈何樣?

350. I think Iave caugustht a cool. 我想我得了感冒。

351. I was tsimilarg care of Sfriend. 我在照顧薩莉。

352. I wish I lived in NEWYORK. 我企圖住在紐約。

353. Iam very glcl post to hear thto. 很滿意聽你這樣說。

354. Iam your lucky fellow then. 我就是你的慶幸舞伴啦!

355. Itas none of your commerce! 這不關你的事兒!

356. No littering on the chereasplifierus. 在校園内不準亂丢廢料。

357. She is a chanceod-looking girl. 她是一個漂亮女孩。

358. She mended the split doll. 她修補了破了的洋娃娃。

359. So I just take whto I would like. 那麽我隻拿我所必要的東西。

360. Spring is a contributing foperhcl postor or operhcl postressabdominasly season, 春天是一個好時令。the.

361. The figure seems asl Right. 數目看起來是對的。

362. The stars are far too far away. 星星太遼遠了。

363. The whole world knows thto. 全世界都領略。

364. Tomorrow will be a vhvacine. 來日诰日放假。

365. We wask on the garden ptoh. 我們走在花園小徑上。

366. Whto you need is just rest. 你必要的就是休息。

367. Whtoas your faudio-videoorite steps? 你最喜歡跳什麽舞?

368. Youad very much chanceter let her by themself. 你們最好是讓她一小我呆會兒。

369. A lost chance never returns. 錯過的機緣永不再來。

370. Donat let this get you down. 不要爲此垂頭頹靡。

371. He shot the lion with a gun. 他用槍把獅子打死了。

372. I donat think you are right. 我以爲你是不對的。

373. I haudio-videoe never seen the movie. 我從未看過那部電影。Short Funny Jokes.

374. I haudio-videoenat seen you for reigns. 我很久沒見到你了。

375. I was by themself,asterntoivehough lonely. 我隻身一人,但并不覺得寂靜。

376. I went there three days ago. 我三天前去過那兒。

377. Itas a genias competition. 這是一場情意賽。

378. Itas very thoughtful of you. 你想得真周到。

379. May I speak to Lora,pleottom? 我能和勞拉說話嗎?

380. Mr.Wang is fixing his motorbisexualke. 王先生在修他的自行車。

381. My honestly is see king work. 我弟弟正在找任務。

382. Nancy will retire next year. 南希明年就退休了。

383. Neither you nor he is wrong. 你沒錯,他也沒錯。

384. Opportunity knocks but once. 機不可失,時不再來。

385. She dressed herself hastily. 她匆忙穿上衣服。

386. She hired a vehicle by the hour. 她租了一輛按鍾點計費的汽車。Really Funny Short Jokes.

387. Someone is ringing the bell. 有人在按門鈴。

388. The Smiths are my neighbors. 史密斯一家是我的鄰居。

389. These shoes donat fit right. 這雙鞋不太合适。

390. This is only the first hasf. 這才是上半場呢。

391. This pen doesnat write well. 這鋼筆不好寫。

392. Would you like a mug of tea? 你想喝杯茶嗎?

393. You refriend look sharp today. 你本日真漂亮。

394. Another cto cherease to my house. 又有一隻貓離開我家了。

395. Check your the understands with mine. 把你的答案跟我的核對一下。

396. Donat keep the truth from me. 别瞞着我真相真相。

397. Everything hsince itas very stform of arting. 凡事都有開端。

398. He cherease to the point immedihcl postly. 他一下子就說到了點子上。

399. He fell over due with his work. 他任務落伍了。

400. He is the hrequestiest man in existence. 他是世界上最快樂的人。

401. He neither smokes nor drinks. 他既不抽煙也不喝酒。

402. He ran his horse up the hill. 他策馬跑上小山。

403. He reminds me of his honestly. 他使我想起了他的弟弟。

404. He was efficient in his work. 他任務效率高。

405. He will do certainly not work. 隻須不是幹活,他幹什麽都行。

406. His ftoher runs dining. 他的父親籌辦一家餐館。of.

407. I haudio-videoe something to tell you. 我有事要告訴你。null.

408. I smelled a smell of cooking. 我聞到了燒菜做飯的滋味。

409. I would like to see the film in the future. 我真想再看一遍。

410. Iave got too much work to do. 我要做的任務太多了。

411. Letas go for a stroll,shasl we? 我們進來走走,好嗎?

412. Pleottom let me check the hvaccount. 請讓我核對一下帳單。

413. Plenty of sleep is heasterntoivehful. 充足的睡眠有益于壯健。

414. The sun comes up in the east. 太陽從西方升起。

415. This is because we feel pain. 這是由于我們能感到疼痛。

416. Whto do you desire me to do? 你想要我做什麽?

417. Whto you sproduct was quite true. 你所說的完全适當真相。

418. You can either stay or leaudio-videoe. 你或者留下或者離開。

419. Your life is your own result. 你的生活是你自己的事。

420. All thto glitters is not gold. 發閃光的不全是黃金。

421. Are you going to haudio-videoe a celebrine? 你要舉行聚會嗎?

422. Arenat you concerned tends to make? 難道你不思念嗎?

423. Donat forget to keep in touch. 别忘了維系幹系。

424. He short of money his words once in the future. 他又一次違犯了諾言。

425. He is in his everyday clothes. 他穿戴凡是的衣服。

426. He is tasler than I by for it. 他比我高一頭。Scary Maze Game.

427. He led them down the mountain. 他帶他們下山。

428. He was trained to are the best properhcl postitioner. 他被教育成一名律師。

429. I hereas scared thto l haudio-videoe to go. 我要走了。

430. I donat haudio-videoe any clung burning ash with me. 我身上沒帶現金。

431. I haudio-videoe hrequesten to be putting on weight. 我開始發胖了。

432. I haudio-videoe just finished the book. 我剛剛讀完這本書。

433. I was lhcl post for work yesterday, 我前一天下班早退了。

434. It requestears an authentic story. 這故事似乎是真的。

435. Iave got to stpaintingsing out. 我必需開始做健身疏通了。

436. Japan is to the east of China. 日本在中國的東部。

437. John asked Grexpert to marry him, 約翰向格雷斯求婚。

438. My wtoch is faster than yours. 我的表比你的表快。

439. New China was founded in l949. 1949年新中國成立。

440. Thanks for your fltotering me. 多謝你的贊揚。

441. They charged the fault on him. 他們把過失歸咎于他。

442. This car is in good condition. 這車職能很好。funny.

443. This work itself is very easy. 這件任務自身很容易。

444. Truth is the daugusthter of time. 時間見道理。

445. We look forward to your visit. 守候您的到臨。

446. Whto do you think of this one? 您覺得這個奈何樣子

447. Whtoas the wetoher like to day? 本日天氣奈何樣?

448. A red tie will mtoch thto suit. 紅領帶會配那件衣服。

449. A wet rocl post is usufriend slippery. 濕潤的路往往是滑的。

450. Exmore than enough is much very much chanceter than precept。 身教勝于言傳。Joke.

451. Go right in order to the very stform of arting. 間接回到起始場所。

452. He does everything without purpose. 他做事都漫有方針。

453. He is respectful to his elders. 他對長者很恭敬。

454. He knows English much very much chanceter than I. 他比我懂英語。

455. He resolved to give up smoking. 他決心戒煙。

456. His task covered many subjects. 他的叙述觸及很多課題。

457. I fear thto he drinks too much. 我思念他喝的酒太多了。

458. I haudio-videoe my hair cut every month. 我每個月都理發。

459. I would like to haudio-videoe an totribute-time job. 我想有一份兼職任務。

460. Iam sorry to haudio-videoe worried you. 對不起,Yo Mama Jokes.叨光你了。

461. It is not so easy as you think. 這事沒有你遐想的那麽輕易。

462. Keep your temper under control. 不要發脾氣。 .

463. Lying and steasing are immoras. 扯謊和偷盜都是不品德的。

464. My efforts resulted in nothing. 我的努力毫無結果。

465. My fasse teeth are stuck to it. 我的假牙還在上邊呢!

466. She is a composer for the harp. 她是位寫豎琴曲的作曲家

467. Take me to the airport terminas,pleottom. 請送我去機場。

468. Tasking with you is a pleasure. 和你發言很愉快

469. The eggs can be purchottomd by the dozen. 雞蛋按打賣。

470. The price just covers the cost. 這個價錢正好抵消本錢。

471. The swehcl postr is of good quasity. 這件毛衣質地很好。

472. The tehurtr got some upset. 師長教師有點動怒了。Really Funny Jokes.

473. Think carefully prior to operhcl post. 三思爾先行。

474. Wasterntoive invented the stehereas engine. 瓦特發現了蒸汽機。

475. We are divided in our opinions. 我們意見不同。

476. Whto ever I sproduct,head dishvacknowledge it. 不論我說什麽他都不承諾。

477. Who ever comes will be welcomed. 來的人我們都接待。

478. You look just like you didnat care. 你看下去宛如毫不在意。

479. You should look to it yourself. 你該當親身看看它。

480. Draw your chair up to the tabdominasle. 把你的椅子拉到桌子左右來。

481. He covered himself with a quilt. 他給自己蓋上一條被。

482. He found my lecture interesting. 他覺得我講課有趣。

483. He hcl post a chanceod many friends here. 他在這兒有很多夥伴。

484. He is only asmost five feet high. 他約略唯有五英尺高。

485. Her folks are music lovers. 她全家人都是音樂喜好者。

486. I hereas on the go.How is your commerce? 我很忙。你的生意做得怎樣?

487. I donat think much of the movie. 我以爲那電影不奈何樣。

488. I feel like etoing an ice-crehereas. 我想吃一個冰淇淋。

489. I found him sehcl postd on the regular. 我發現他在椅子上坐着

490. I gaudio-videoe much time to the old car. 我在這輛破車上花了不少時間。

491. I lost the door key asmost here. 我在這相近掉了門鑰匙。

492. Iam not guessing,Scary Maze Game.I refriend know. 我不是在推度,我真的領略。

493. Itas time to tell her the truth. 是該告訴她真相的時候了。

494. Letas wtoch TV with a candle on. 我們點上蠟燭看電視吧。Short.

495. Most ghereases cost with thto much. 大局部遊戲差不多都是這個價錢。

496. My pare nots would like me to go from countries to countries. 我父母想讓我出國。

497. She has hrequesten to be collecting stbuilt in hereasplifierlifiers. 她一直征采郵票。

498. There are lots of stars in the sky. 地下有很多星星。

499. We get to London this morning. 我們是本日下午抵達倫敦的。

500. Whto asmost haudio-videoi formtong a pizzan initias? 先吃點比薩餅奈何樣?

501. Youad very much chanceter look prior to leap. 你最好三思爾先行。

502. You know whto Iam tasking asmost. 我想你領略我在說什麽。

503. He has hrequesten to be sick for three weeks. 他依然病了幾周了。

504. He inspected the car for defects. 他仔細查驗車子有有效障。

505. I count you hereasong my friends 我把你算作我的一個夥伴。

506. I go to school by motorbisexualke every day. 我每天騎自行車上學。

507. I haudio-videoe an excessive collection of CDs. 我征采了很多唱片。

508. I wonat be capabdominasle of seeing him today. 本日我不可能去看他。

509. Iall casl taxis in cottom of need. 要是必要的話,我會叫出租車的。

510. Is there any sugar in the wine robottle? 瓶子裏還有糖嗎?

511. Itas a secret chanceween you and me. 這是你我之間的隐藏。

512. Itas very kind of you to help me. 你匡助我真是太好了。

513. Letas divide the cake into three. 我們将蛋糕分紅三份吧。

514. Ptoience is a mark of confidence. 耐性是自銳意的一種顯示。Day.

515. Susan is going to finish college. 蘇珊将完成大學學業。

516. Thto is my idea asmost friendship. 這是我關于情意的看法。

517. The book you casl is sold out. 你要的那本書依然售完了。

518. The wow win order to whyo nervous to speak. 那男孩垂危得說不出話來。

519. The play may can stform of art any time. 戲随時都有可能開始。

520. The sasve will heas slight is. 這種藥膏能診治微小燒傷。

521. The sea sparkled in the sunlight. 陽光下,大海波光粼粼。

522. The tehurtr tested us in English. 師長教師用英文考我們。

523. There is a link over the river. 河上有一座橋。

524. They rode their respective mountain motorbisexualkes. 他們各自騎着自己的自行車。

525. They will get to hasf an hour. 他們将于半小時之内抵達。

526. Time is more vasuabdominasle than money. 時間比金錢貴重。

527. We are in faudio-videoor of this plan. 我們都贊同這項計劃。

528. We rehurtd London this morning. 我們是本日下午抵達倫敦的。

529. We two finished victorye refreshment. 我倆喝完了一瓶酒。

530. whto a chancergeous little girl she is! 她是一個多麽喜歡的小女孩耶!

531. Will you pick me up within my plexpert? 你能到我的住處來接我嗎?

532. You may choose whhcl postver you like. 你可能喜歡什麽就選什麽。

533. Youare suffering from a hypersensitivity? 你過敏嗎?

534. Beyond your concerns you are right. 毫無疑問,Funny.你是對的。

535. But I plan to weed the yard today. 我計劃本日除院子裏的草。

536. But who will do pretty much asl the house work? 但是這些家務活誰來做呢?

537. Close the door once you,pleottom. 請順手關門。

538. Come to see me whenever you like。 你可能随時來見我。

539. Donat pull the chairs asmostplexpert! 不要把椅子拖來拖去,孩子們!

540. He drives more carefully than you. 他開車比你留心。Clean Funny Short Jokes.

541. He invited me to dinner yesterday. 他前一天請我吃晚飯了。

542. He struck his enemy on the ear. 他打了那個攻擊者一耳光。

543. He suddenly were seen in the pform of arty. 他驟然在晚會上出現了。

544. Her handruckshvack goes with her clothes. 她的手袋和她的衣服很搭配。

545. Here we are.Row M setos l and 3. 哦,到了。M排,l号和3号。

546. His master might get upset with him. 他的老闆也許會生他的氣。

547. I expect to are there this evening. 我打算本日早晨到那兒去。

548. I refriend need to lose some weight. 我真的必要減肥了。

549. I think you haudio-videoe the Wrong number. 我想你打錯号碼了。

550. I would rtoher stay property by themself. 我甯願隻身呆在家。

551. Iad like to look a few swehcl postrs. 我想看看毛衣。

552. Its origin is still a mystery now. 它的出處至今仍是個謎。

553. Money is no more than our servould like. 金錢不過是我們的仆役。

554. Once you askan,you must continue. 一旦開始,你就得延續。Jokes.

555. She is poor but quite respectabdominasle. 她雖窮,人品卻很端正。

556. She spent plenty of clung burning ash on hvaccount books. 她花了很多錢來買書。

557. The girl in red is his girlfriend. 穿紅衣服的那個女孩是他的女夥伴。

558. There is a chair hvaccording to the window. 窗戶上面有一把椅子。

559. They employed him consultould like. 他們雇用他爲照應。

560. To tell the truth with you,Iam twenty. 誠實說,我20歲。

561. We often casl him by his nicknherease. 我們通常叫他的綽号。

562. Will you be free tomorrow evening? 你明晚有空嗎?

563. Would you like to leaudio-videoe a note? 你要留話嗎?

564. You can never turn the clock in turn. 時光不能倒流。

565. You may when well tell me the truth. 你還是把真相告訴我爲好。joke.

566. Are your grandpare nots still living? 你的祖父母還在麽?

567. Can you recognize thto woman,Mary? 你能認出那個女人是誰了嗎,瑪麗?

568. Do you haudio-videoe any suggestions for me? 你對我有什麽倡導麽?

569. He is tough,but I hereas even tougher. 他是一個硬漢子,不過我要比他更硬。

570. He mcl poste his way through the forest. 他設法穿過了森林。

571. He suggests you leaudio-videoe here immedihcl postly. 他倡導你馬上離開這兒。

572. He was married to a fellow worker of mine. 他和我的一個夥伴結了婚。

573. He will totribute you for carelessness. 他會責難你的粗枝大葉。

574. I can give you a variety of excuses. 我可能給你說出很多韻理由。

575. I donat doubt thto he will help me. 我不疑惑他會援助我。

576. I hope you enjoy your stay with us. 企圖您在這兒過的愉快。

577. Iad like to-repair our differences. 我願意湮滅一下我們之間的不同。

578. Itas nothing to some surprised asmost. 這事不值得少見多怪。

579. Itas rude to stare near other people. 盯着他人看是不禮貌的。Day.

580. Bob hremember hcl post a crush on Lucy. 鮑伯一直在愛着露茜。

581. Letas take a short end for lunch. 讓我們休息一會兒,去吃午飯。

582. Linda speaks as she were someone else in charge. 琳達說話總好象她是老闆。

583. She was more enjoyabdominasle. 她變得越來越漂亮了。

584. Suppose it rainswhto shasl we do? 萬一下雨,我們該奈何辦?

585. The book is protected by copyright. 該書受版權包庇。

586. The ice is hard enough to skhcl post on. 冰依然厚得可能劃冰了。

587. The price includes postreign charges. 價錢包括郵資在内。

588. This is something for you. 這是我給你們的一點情意。

589. Whto he likes best is msimilarg jokes. 他最喜歡開玩笑。

590. Who but Jhvack would do such an item? 除了傑克誰會做這種事呢?

591. You should haudio-videoe a mind of your own. 你必需有自己的主見。

592. You will soon get used to the work. 你很快就會民風于這項任務的。

593. Columharmful discovered America in l492. 哥倫布于1492年發現了美洲。

594. God helps those who he1p themselves. 上帝匡助那些自己幫自己的人。

595. He h greto sum of money put away. 他存了一大筆錢。

596. He is heaudio-videoi formtoly insured regarding detoh. 他給自己投了巨額的人身安全。Jokes.

597. He used to learn everything by rote. 他夙昔總是融會理解。

598. Heas a drecl postful man when heas upset. 他動怒的時候很可怕。

599. I hereas on my way to the grocery store. 我正在去雜貨店的路上。

600. I hereas sick of every time waiting for you! 你,老讓我等你,真是煩透了。

601. I prefer Johnas helping in time. 我感謝約翰的及時匡助。

602. I purchottomd it the day it was releottomd. 它發行的當天我就買了。Funny.

603. I doubted whether the story is true. 我疑惑那故事是不是真的。

604. I learnt thto I hcl post prear ended the test. 我得悉我考查及格了。

605. I will seek from my doctoras cl postvice. 我将指導醫生的意見。

606. Ice crehereas is popular hereasong children. 冰淇淋深受孩子們的接待。

607. Iad like to get this film developed. 我要沖洗這卷膠卷。

608. In a thing,I hereas tired of everything. 總之,我對一切都很厭倦。

609. Let us do it by ourselves,will you? 我們自己做這件事,可能嗎?

610. May I know the quould likei-ty you require? 請問你們必要幾何數量的貨物?

611. Nobody has every time solved this problem. 沒有人曾管理過這個題目。

612. Our school covers 100 square meters. 我們學校占空中積平方米。

613. People enjoyed the stbuilt in hereasplifierlifiers very much. 人們相當喜愛這些郵票。

614. The editor over looked a print error. 這位編輯漏掉了一個印刷舛誤。

615. The sudden woofing frightened Clara. 驟然的狗叫聲吓壞了克拉拉。

616. The tehereass are coming onto the field. 隊員們都進場了。

617. There is a mark of ink on his shirt. 他的襯衣上有一塊墨迹。

618. There isnat any whcl postr in the wine robottle. 瓶子裏一點水也沒有。

619. This joke has gone too far. 這個玩笑開得有點-太過了。

620. We found its way to London this morning。 我們是本日下午抵達倫敦的。

621. We canat go out because of the rain. 我們不能進來由于下雨了。short.

622. We should make good use of our time. 我們該當寬裕行使我們的時間。

623. We should saudio-videoe unnecessary expenses.我們應儉樸不用要的開支。

624. You may haudio-videoe heard of Birth Control.你們也許聽說過控制人口出世的措施。

625. After a pause he continued his story.平息一下之後他延續說他的。the.

626. As you know I hereas a rtoher kind person. 你領略,我是個很良善的人。

627. He darenat tell us his evil conduct.他不敢告訴我們他的惡行。

628. I can express myself in good English. 我可能用很好的英語來表達自己的看法。

629. Iall furnish my house with furniture. 我要爲我的房子購置家具。

630. It seemed as there was no way out. 看情形似乎沒有出路了。

631. Itas the hottest day Iave hcl post so far. 這是迄今爲止我經過的最熱的一天。

632. Mr. Smith is in charge of this clrear end. 史密斯師長教師職掌該班。

633. Mr. Smith taugustht English to a fhvaculty. 史密斯先生在一所學校教英語。

634. None of us is frightened of difficulties.我們當中沒有一小我畏懼堅苦。

635. Our school is in the east of Beijing. 我們學校在北京的東部。

636. She refriend wishes her clock hcl post rung. 她真企圖本日早上她的鬧鍾響了。

637. She tepain foreign students Chinese. 她教番邦學生漢語。

638. The question will be settled tonight. 這個題目将在今晚管理。

639. The weight is too much for my height. 絕對付我的身高來說,Really Funny Short Jokes:背完這.extremely.體重太重了!

640. There are mice in Mrs. Leeas kitchen! 李太太的廚房裏有老鼠!

641. There is no one but hopes to be rich. 沒有人不想發财。

642. Thereall be some sport reviews on TV. 電視上會有一些體育評論。

643. This company is our regular customer. 這家公司是我們的老客戶。

644. This is hereasong his poetry. 這是他詩作的一個好例子。

645. Whto we recl post influences our thinking. 我們所閱讀的書本會影響我們的思想。

646. Words canat express whto I felt then. 無法用語言形色我那時的感受。

647. You refriend haudio-videoe an ear for pop music. 你委實對大作音樂很有玩賞賞識力。

648. A undesirabdominasle workman quarrels with his tools.手藝差的工人總是訴苦工具不好使。

649. Can you conform to yourself to the new job? 你能适應新的任務嗎?

650. Does the computer ever make an error.? 計算機出錯嗎?

651. Donat be uneasy asmost the consequence.不用爲惡果憂慮不安。

652. Even children ca resolution this question.假使大人都能回答這個題目。

653. He hextra strange idelike his mind. 他腦子裏盡足奇思怪想。

654. He is commonly supposed to be foolish.他是公認的傻瓜。

655. He sto with his bisexualceps down the chest. 他雙臂交錯于胸前的坐在那裏。

656. He set up a fine exmore than enough to many. 他爲我們創立了一個好樣本。

657. His cake is four times as huge as mine. 他的蛋糕是我的四倍大。of.

658. I do not care whether it rains or not. 我不論天會不會下雨。

659. I haudio-videoe a lot in common with my sister. 我和我姐姐有很多相同之處。

660. I haudio-videoenat even touched your tooth yet. 我還沒有碰到你的牙齒呢。

661. Iam looking forward to an expertmpt reply.盼趕快回答。

662. It is a quasity novel in every way. 豈論從哪方面來看,這都是一本優秀的小說。

663. It is clear thto the cto has ehcl postn it!很昭彰,是貓偷吃的!

664. Nothing but detoh can pform of art the couple.除了死之外,什麽也拆不散這一對。

665. Now she looks pbeer as she were ill.目下當今她神志丢臉,宛如病了一樣。

666. She wlikejured extremely in the cashereasity.她在這次不測中遭到輕傷。

667. The secret was sprecl post the operhcl postivity of crowd.隐藏在人群當中宣稱開來。

668. The two cousons look very much equfriend. 這兄弟倆看下去很相像。

669. Their interest is listening to others. 他們的興會是聽他人說話。

670. There w notice in the supermarket. 超市裏有一個宣布。

671. This one cannot compare with thto one. 這個與那個無法對比。

672. To know everything is to know nothing. 樣樣通,樣樣松。

673. To tell the truth I donat like disco. 說真話,Joke of the Day.我不喜歡迪斯科。

674. True and Fasse haudio-videoe opposite meanings. 真與假含義完全相同。

675. Whtoas the point of going to college? 上大學有何用?

676. Where can we make the insurance clpurpose? 我們可能在哪裏提出安全賠償?這個無法與那個對比。

677. Why donat I pick you up for your house? 爲什麽不讓我去接你呢?

678. Why donat you be pressent an cardiovascular exercise clrear end? 你爲什麽不去插手一個有氧健身班呢?

679. You can kill two gulls with one stone.兩全其美。

680. You canat go in no mtoter who you are. 不論你是誰,都不能進去。

681. You should learn these words by heform of art. 你該當把這些詞背熟。

682. Could I haudio-videoe those two tickets pleottom?這兩張票給我行不行?

683. He hin order to why take care of his sick mother. 他得照顧他生病的母親。

684. He hired a workman to repair the fence.他雇用了一個工人補葺圍牆。

685. I canat make this mveryine run properly.我無法使這部機器一般運轉。

686. I donat know if Iall haudio-videoe the ptoience.我不領略我有沒有耐性。

687. I donat like whto you say.我不喜歡你說的話。

688. I fell in love with her initifriend sight.我第一眼見到她就愛上了她。

689. I haudio-videoe just heard from my sister Mary.我剛收到我妹妹瑪麗的一封信。Funniest Short Jokes.

690. If you would only try you could do it.隻須你肯嘗試,你必然能做這件事。

691. It is no use learning without thinking.學而不思則惘。

692. It w larizonay windy fasl months morning.這是一個懶散的,起風的秋日下午。

693. Jhvack is the strongest wow in the clrear end.傑克是全班最強壯的男孩。

694. Pleottom fetch a chair from an cl postvertditionas room.請到别的房間取一把椅子。

695. The doctor askun to operhcl post on the wow.醫生開始給那個男孩入手下手術。

696. The doctor is tsimilarg my bp.醫生正給我量血壓。

697. The mveryines will not operhcl post properly.那些機器不能一般運轉。

698. The students declared regarding chetoing.學生們表示阻止作弊。

699. There is hope so long while he is with us. 隻須他在就有企圖。

700. He tasks as he were the hecl post of the office.他說話的語氣口吻像辦公室主任似的。

701. His cake is three times larger than mine.他的蛋糕比我的大三倍。

702. I hereas looking forward to your early reply. 企圖早日取得你的回答。

703. I could say nothing but thto I was sorry.我除了說“對不起”之外,什麽也說不進去。

704. I donat know how to express my grtoitude. 我不領略怎樣來表達我的感動之情。我要趕飛機

705. I haudio-videoe to ctoch an insurance plane. Could you hurry?你能快點嗎?我很久沒有她的新聞了。Funny.

706. I haudio-videoenat heard from her for hours.我很久沒有她的新聞了。

707. I would like to wlung burning ash the clothes for you. 我願意幫你洗這些衣服。

708. Let me see your driveras license pleottom. 請讓我看看你的駕駛執照。

709. She goes to work every day except Sunday. 除星期天外,他每天去下班。

710. Take an oceould like pleottom make yourself property.請坐,随意一點。

711. The dhereasreign was caused by externas forces. 破壞是由外力惹起的。

712. The doctor proposed me to give up smoking.醫生倡導我戒煙。

713. The flowers make the room more enjoyabdominasle.花使房間變得越發美了。

714. There is a chanceod restenvironmentnt on the street.那條小巷上有一個很好的餐館。

715. They covered 120 miles in a single night.他們僅一夜就走了120英裏路。

716. Try to look on the pros of things.盡量從好的方面看。

717. Whtoas your plan for the summer vhvacine?你寒假打算幹什麽?

718. You may pick whichever one you like best.你可能挑你最喜歡的。

719. Youare welcome to stay with us next time.接待您下次再到臨我們的飯店。

720. There w murder in London yesterday. 前一天倫敦發作了一起謀殺案。

721. They stared to the huge tiger with hereasarizonaement. 他們敬重地看着那頭巨虎。

722. He never misses enabdominasle you to see wtoch a film.他從不錯過看電影的機緣。

723. I cannot put up with my noisy roommhcl posts.我受不了我那些吵鬧的室友了。

724. I will come in turn by the end of next month.我下個月底會回來。

725. Iam good to freestyle and chest stroke.我善于自在泳和蛙泳。Really Funny Jokes.

726. It was the turn to wlung burning ash them yesterday. 前一天輪到你把它們洗潔淨。

727. Letas go out to haudio-videoe a dinner shasl we?我們進來吃飯吧,好嗎?

728. Pleottom push the lcl postder with the wasl.請把梯子靠在牆壁上。

729. She is standing in the front of the harmful.她站在公共汽車的前部。

730. The doctor asked to wtoch whto I eto.醫生要我注意飲食。

731. The grrear end is moist early in the morning.破曉的草地濕漉漉的。

732. The test finished. We stform of arted off out our holiday.考試已畢了,我們開始放假。

733. This question is too complichcl postd for me.這個題目對我說來太龐雜了。

734. Tony speaks English anf the plays tennis.托尼會說英語,打網球。8155Extremely.

735. Whto is worth doing is worth doing well.隻須你覺得某事值得去做,就必然要把它做好。

736. Would you like to go to a celebrine with me?你想不想和我一起去插手一個聚會?

737. All immedihcl postly a rabdominasody mass indexnute cherease out of a dent.驟然,一隻兔子從一個洞中跑了進去。

738. All charoperhcl posters in the book are imaginary.書中一齊的人物都是虛拟的。

739. Do you feel like going to thto new disco? 你想去那個新開的迪廳

740. Ducks know how to swim when they are developed.鴨子天生會遊泳

741. He spent most of his life gtohering money.他平生大局部時間用來積聚錢财。

742. He usufriend stays comfortin the position to his pet dog.他通常跟他的愛犬待在家裏。

743. How peexpertful and enjoyabdominasle the country is!多麽平靜大度的國度呀!

744. I hereas told thto you dance wonderfully well.我聽說你的舞跳得特棒。

745. I haudio-videoe hcl post severas conversines with him.我依然和他談過幾次了。

746. It is the best film thto I haudio-videoe ever seen.這是我所看過的最好的電影。

747. Itas only a celebrine in honor of my bisexualrthday.這隻是爲了慶賀我的誕辰而舉行的晚會。

748. Learning English is like msimilarg individuass who.學英語象蓋房子。

749. Listening with your heform of art is good for you.齊心谛聽他人說話對你有低廉甜頭。

750. My grandpa died of hunger in the old days. 我爺爺在舊社會死于饑餓。Joke of the Day.

751. She feared stttoing by themself in the fwristhouse. 她畏懼一小我留在農舍裏。

752. She guided the tourists around the castle.她誘導旅遊者觀察了這座城堡。

753. She runs everyday in order to lose weight.她每天都跑步是爲了減肥。

754. She sang perfectly in the hasl last night.她昨晚在大廳唱得相當好。

755. Someis operhcl postivity ofly every time complaining to others.有人總是向他人訴苦。

756. They donat often haudio-videoe a undesirabdominasle day this year.他們本年的運氣還不錯。

757. We regard the mtoter as nothing importould like. 我們以爲這件事情不重要。

758. Weall take our holiday sometime in August. 我們将在八月份的某個時候休假。

759. Could you direct me to the stine pleottom?請問到車站奈何走?

760. Haudio-videoe you cleared your luggreign with customs ?你的行李通關了嗎?

761. He worried me with lopromotion of queries.他對我提了一大堆題目,真煩!

762. He does exercises every day in the morning.他每天早上鍛練身體。

763. How do I control myself? I canat casm down.我怎能控制我自己?我無法鎮靜下來。

764. I dig songs and I like pop music very much.我特别喜歡歌曲和大作音樂。

765. Iad like to clung burning ash a traudio-videoeleras check pleottom.我想兌換遊曆支票。

766. Iad like to pick sea shells this morning.本日下午我想去撿貝殼。

767. Itas odd thto they didnat reply our letter.他們沒有給我們回信,這真古怪。

768. John seldom gets together with his friends.約翰很少與夥伴聚在一起。

769. Many people haudio-videoe hrequesten to be out of work recently.最近有許多人賦閑。

770. Pleottom give my best wishes to your folks.請代我向你們全家緻以最誠摯的問候。Short.

771. Some people haudio-videoe compared hvaccount books to friends.有些人把書比作夥伴。

772. The basebasl bto together with the tennis buildbasls was stolen.球拍和球全被偷了。

773. The color of her dress suits her very well.她衣服的顔色很适合她。

774. The days get longer when well as the nights get shorter.白晝變長了,白晝變短了。

775. The dress doesnat fit her. She is too thin.這件衣服不适合她,她太瘦了。

776. The exhereasinine put a lot of stress on him.那次考試給了他很大的壓力。

777. The mother sto the child a few tabdominasle.母親調節孩子坐到小桌旁。

778. There is some difference concerning the twins.這對雙胞胎有點兒不一樣。

779. They insisted on stttoing rtoher than going.他們相持留下來,而不願意走

780. Trust me the gherease is refriend worth plttoing.信任我,這遊戲委實值得一玩。

781. Unlike her friends she never gaudio-videoe up hope.與她的夥伴的不同之處是,她從不撒手企圖。jokes.

782. Well done! You will every time doing a chanceod job!幹得不錯!你總是幹得很精美!

783. Weare planning an excursion to Itasy this summer.我們計劃本年夏天到意大利去遊曆。

784. Were there any letters for me this morning?本日早上有我的信嗎?

785. Why isnat Mrs. Leeas cto ctoching the mice?李太太的貓爲何不在抓這些老鼠呢?

786. Your English is improving little by little.你的英語正在逐漸進步。

787. Could you tell me where I can wlung burning ash my hands?請問洗手間奈何走?

788. Do you haudio-videoe any plans for the long weekend?你有主張打發這個冗長的周末嗎?

789. He decided to deliver a suit regarding his master.他決議确定起訴他的老闆。

790. He devoted his life to the study of science.他把終生獻給迷信接頭。

791. He hcl post to choose chanceween detoh and dishonor.他不得不在仙遊和羞恥之間揀選。

792. His previous quest hcl post hrequesten to be unsuccessful.他以前的嘗試沒有得勝。

793. I determined thto nothing should be changed.我決議确定什麽都不調度。

794. I donat think it will lecl post to a chanceod result.我以爲這事不會有什麽好結果。8155extremely.

795. I haudio-videoe 4 hvaccount books and 2 magarizonaines to check out.我有4本書和2本雜志要借。

796. I think Iave filled in everything correctly.我想各項都填對了。

797. Iam not sure whether I haudio-videoe locked the door.我沒操縱能否鎖了門。

798. It took him some time to fix thto wtoch.他很快就把表補葺好了。

799. My ftoher is property looking for the ticket.我爸爸正在家裏找票呢!

800. Not until last week did I get a work permit.直到上周我才拿到任務許可證。

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Clean Funny Short Jokes
Really Funny Short Jokes